Explore the hidden perils of driving under the influence of prescription drugs and ways to prevent it. Unravel the complex relationship between opioids and the nervous system, understand risks and safe practices. Navigate the stages of addiction and learn effective strategies for overcoming this challenging journey. If you scratch an alcohol-induced rash too much or […]
Category Archives: Sober living
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins for a reason. It leads to judgment, isolation, and a feeling of superiority. None of these things are conducive spiritual malady definition to a healthy recovery. A spiritual malady can manifest itself in many different ways. The Spiritual Malady: Bane of the Alcoholic and Addict These expressions […]
The nature of these genetic influences remains a complex mystery, yet their existence is crucial in understanding the biological factors at play. It’s a multi-faceted lens that allows a deeper understanding of the individuals beyond the monochrome of merely biological factors. The Biopsychosocial Spiritual Model is a vibrant mosaic, offering a comprehensive picture of an […]
An overdose on DMT can also occur in tandem with an overdose on other substances. For example, many people drink excessive amounts of alcohol on DMT because the euphoria from the DMT reduces the awareness of how much one has had to drink. Mixing DMT with other substances can also lead to similar results. These […]